What can be done to support lymphedema treatment with a healthy diet?

This article will examine the benefits and consequences of maintaining a healthy diet in order to treat lymphedema. Nutrition is an important part of managing lymphedema, but it is not always taken into consideration. You'll learn why nutrition is important and how to start, as well as examples on how a healthy diet can help lymphedema treatments.

A Balanced Diet is Important in Lymphedema Treatment

In managing lymphedema - a chronic disease characterized by swelling caused by poor lymphatic function - a balanced diet is crucial. It is important to maintain a healthy body weight, and avoid obesity which can worsen lymphedema. A study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine published in 2019 found that a diet high in anti-inflammatory food can reduce inflammation and help improve lymphatic function. Eating a wide variety of healthy foods will also ensure that the body receives essential nutrients for tissue repair, and improves immunity.

Important Points for Getting Started

It's best to speak with your healthcare provider before making any dietary changes. You can get personalized nutrition and health advice from them. The British Lymphology Society says that extreme diets can cause nutrient deficiency and health issues. Focus on including a wide variety of food from different groups in your diet. This will ensure you are getting a good mix of micronutrients as well as macronutrients.

Example of Balanced Nutrition for Lymphedema Therapy

Lymphedema Management: Additional Tips

Regular exercise, along with a healthy diet and a regular routine of physical activity can help to treat lymphedema. Swimming or yoga, which are gentle and non-impacting exercises, can help improve lymphatic circulation. Wearing compression garments and maintaining good skin hygiene, as well as practicing deep breathing, can all help lymphatic drainage. Avoiding high sodium foods can also help reduce swelling. Remember that everyone is different and the same thing may work for someone else but not for you. It's important to pay attention to your body and make adjustments in your diet based on its response.


A balanced diet is essential in the management of lymphedema. You can improve your lymphatic system function, boost immunity and reduce inflammation by incorporating foods rich in nutrients into your daily diet. A balanced diet, along with lifestyle changes, can improve quality of life in people with lymphedema.
