Avoiding certain foods can help reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

This article will explore the topic of how to identify and avoid certain foods which can trigger migraines. Nutritionists often ask me how diet can affect various conditions including migraines. We will examine the science behind food triggers, and give some advice about what you should avoid in order to manage migraines more effectively.

What Food Choices Are Important for Migraine Management?

Medical research has well documented the link between migraines and diet. In a 2016 article published in The Journal of Headache and Pain, it was revealed that certain dietary patterns and foods were linked to the onset of headaches. Understanding which foods can act as migraine triggers is an important step in reducing their frequency and severity. It's also important to remember that every person is unique and the triggers for migraines may not be the same in everyone.

Start by identifying your personal triggers

It's important to know your triggers before you begin eliminating certain foods. It is important to keep a food journal where you record what you eat, and track when you get a headache. As you track your food intake, patterns can emerge over time that reveal which foods trigger migraines. Consult a health care provider or nutritionist before you do this to make sure that essential nutrients are not being missed.

Some foods that are known migraine triggers

Other Tips

In addition to avoiding common migraine triggers, keeping a regular diet is important. Fasting and skipping meals can cause low blood sugar levels, which may trigger migraines. Staying hydrated can also help to reduce migraines. It is important to stay hydrated for your overall health, but it is especially crucial for migraine sufferers. It's important to remember that managing migraines involves more than just avoiding certain food. Maintaining a healthy life style is also essential.


While there are some common triggers of migraines that can be avoided, each person is different and may have different results. It is possible to reduce migraine severity and frequency by identifying your triggers and avoiding them. Maintaining a healthy diet and a regular schedule of eating can also help. It's best to speak to a doctor or nutritionist about any major changes you make to your eating habits.
