What is the most recent guideline for feeding allergenic food to babies?

In my role as a nutritionist and dietician, I am often asked for guidelines and best practices when it comes to the introduction of allergenic food to infants. It is important to pay close attention to this topic, as it could have a significant impact on a child’s well-being and health. The article provides you with the most recent research -backed guidelines for this topic, as well as practical and actionable advice.

Allergenic foods for infants: It's important to introduce them.

Early introduction of allergenic food to babies can prevent the development of allergies later on in life. Recent studies by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases show that introducing peanuts and other allergenic foods to babies as young as four to six months old can lower their chances of developing peanut allergy by as much as 80% .

This process must be carried out carefully to prevent any adverse reactions. While early exposure to allergenic food can prevent some allergies, this does not guarantee your child won't develop any other allergies.

Important Points for Getting Started

Consult your pediatrician before introducing allergenic food. You can get personalized advice from them based on the health of your child and any family or personal history of allergies.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics it is important to only introduce one food at a given time. Waiting at least three full days between each new introduction will allow you to watch for any allergic reactions. To prevent any choking risks, make sure the food you are introducing is in a way that can be easily consumed by your child.

New Guidelines on Introducing Allergenic foods to Infants

More Tips and Suggestions

Here are a few extra tips to add to those above. To prevent choking, always offer the allergenic food in an appropriate form. Spread peanut butter on thin slices of bread, or combine it with pureed fruit or vegetables.

Continue regular exposure to allergenic foods. A study from King's College London found that regular exposure to the allergenic foods (about two times a week is recommended) helps to build and maintain tolerance.


Introduce allergenic food to babies as early as possible. This can prevent allergies in later life. Under the guidance of a health professional, it should be carried out carefully and according to the most recent guidelines. Each child is different, and the same thing may not be effective for all. Consult your healthcare provider prior to making any significant dietary changes for your child.
