What Dietary Modifications Are Recommended to Manage the Symptoms Of Pica?

This article explores the diet changes that may help manage symptoms of Pica. A disorder marked by a persistent, compulsive desire to consume non-food items. This condition is frequently linked to nutritional deficiency. My professional and scientific experience as a nutritionist and dietician will allow me to provide you with practical advice and insights.

Pica: Dietary changes are important to managing the condition

Pica can be managed by altering your diet. Pica can be caused by iron, zinc and other nutrient deficiencies. By addressing deficiencies with dietary changes, symptoms can be reduced. In a study published in Journal of American Dietetic Association, patients who suffered from pica showed significant improvement once mineral deficiencies were corrected. It's also important to remember that dietary modifications can be helpful, but they might not eliminate all pica behavior, particularly if there are psychological reasons involved. A multidisciplinary treatment plan, which includes dietary counseling, psychotherapy, and medication is usually required.

Getting Started

Consult a health professional before making drastic changes. They can help guide you based on your individual conditions and needs. After assessing nutritional deficiencies, they can suggest suitable diet changes or supplements. Regular medical checks are also necessary due to the risks associated with consuming items that do not fall under food.

Pica Dietary Advice

Other Tips

It's important to get professional support, if needed. The cognitive-behavioral treatment has shown effectiveness in treating compulsive behavior associated with pica. Exercise can play an important role in your overall well-being and health. It is also beneficial to create a secure environment, by locking or removing potentially dangerous non-food products.


Conclusion: While pica is a difficult disorder to treat, certain diet changes can help significantly reduce its symptoms. Incorporating nutrient dense foods in the diet can help to address deficiencies that are often associated with pica. Remember that these suggestions can be helpful, but they are only part of an overall treatment plan.
