What is the relationship between seasonal allergies and food sensitivities?
This article will explore the fascinating interaction between seasonal allergies and food sensitivities. In my role as a nutritionist and dietitian, I've gained a lot of knowledge about how the body reacts when it comes to allergens. It is a topic that can have a significant impact on affecting a person’s overall health. You will learn about how to recognize these interactions and what to do. There are also examples, as well as useful tips on managing them.
It is important to understand the relationship between seasonal allergies and food sensitivities.
At first, seasonal allergies and food sensitivities might seem to be unrelated. However, they have a link in common - the immune system. Our immune systems react excessively to harmless substances. For seasonal allergies it can be pollen, dust or even gluten.
It is important to understand this relationship because symptoms can overlap or intensify at certain seasons. Research shows that those with allergies to birch can have worse symptoms if they consume certain foods, such as nuts and fruits during pollen season. This is due to the phenomenon of cross-reactivity. Understanding this link can improve the management of both conditions.
Important Points for Getting Started
It is important to know your triggers before you begin. You can keep a diary of your symptoms, noting what you have eaten and how it has affected you. An allergist or registered dietitian can help identify these triggers by using elimination diets and tests.
Be proactive in managing your diet when allergy season is at its peak. If certain foods worsen your allergy symptoms, you may need to eliminate them.
Seasonal Allergies & Food Sensitivity Interaction Examples
- Oral Allergy Syndrome - According to an article published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, those who have an allergy to birch pollen can react to other foods such as peaches, pears and apples. They may also be allergic to carrots and hazelnuts because they contain similar proteins.
- Allergies to Ragweed: Consuming bananas, melons and zucchini during the pollen season could worsen symptoms.
- Allergies to grass pollen: People who are allergic to grass pollen may experience symptoms when they consume tomatoes, potatoes peaches and celery in the pollen season.
Other Tips
A balanced diet is essential. You may need to limit certain foods in allergy season, but you should still get all the nutrients you require from other food sources.
Consult your healthcare provider prior to starting antihistamines. Consider immunotherapy as well if you suffer from severe seasonal allergies.
You can improve your health by better managing your symptoms when you understand the relationship between food allergies and seasonal allergies. This is a complicated area which requires individualized care, particularly during allergy season. You can overcome this problem by identifying triggers and adjusting diet accordingly.