Undiagnosed celiac diseases can cause serious complications.

This article will examine the serious complications that may arise when celiac is not diagnosed. Dietitians and nutritionists often come across patients unaware of this disorder. This article is intended to inform you about the benefits of an early diagnosis and the risks of not addressing symptoms. It also explains how you can manage the complications that may arise if your condition has been identified.

Understand Celiac Disease complications

Undiagnosed celiac is a serious condition that affects 1 out of 100 people in the world. Untreated celiac disease can cause a variety of health issues. Undiagnosed celiac can cause malnutrition, as the small intestine is unable to absorb nutrients, and lead to anemia, osteoporosis infertility or neurological problems.

Recognizing Symptoms: Getting started

The first step to diagnosing celiac is to recognize the symptoms. This will help you avoid complications. The symptoms of celiac disease can be varied and include bloating and digestive discomfort. They may also cause constipation and diarrhea. Some celiac patients may not experience any digestive symptoms. Mayo Clinic states that individuals who have an immediate relative with celiac (parent, child, or sibling) are at a 1-in-10 risk for developing it. This shows the importance of genetics.

Celiac disease complications that are not diagnosed

Celiac Disease: Additional Treatment Tips

After being diagnosed with celiac, the best management strategy for managing this condition is to follow a gluten-free, strict diet throughout your life. You should also seek out regular care from your doctor and undergo routine screenings to check for conditions such as anemia and osteoporosis. Counseling and support groups can help manage the emotional side of living with chronic illnesses.


Celiac disease that is not diagnosed can cause a variety of health problems, which can have a significant impact on one's life. These complications can be prevented or minimized by recognizing symptoms and seeking medical care early. Celiac patients can live healthy, fulfilling lives by following a gluten free diet and receiving routine medical attention.
