Can nutrigenomics tell me if I'm susceptible to food-related illnesses?

This comprehensive guide will help you understand the field of nutritionomics, and how it can be used to determine your risk for certain diseases. In my role as a nutritionist and dietician, I'll explain the basics of nutrigenomics and what you can learn about your own health.

Nutrigenomics: Its Importance

Nutrigenomics, a field in rapid development, studies the connection between genes, health, and nutrition. This field helps us to understand the impact of our genes on our bodies' response to various foods and nutrients. This field is important because it can provide customized dietary advice that takes into account individual genetics. It could reduce the likelihood of food-related illnesses such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Nutrigenomics research has revealed that specific gene variants make people more susceptible to certain diseases when they consume particular types of foods. A study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, for example, found that people with a specific variant of the FTO genes had an increased obesity risk when they consumed a diet high in saturated fats. Knowing about genetic predispositions to obesity can allow individuals to make better dietary decisions.

Nutrigenomics: Getting started

A genetic test is the best way to find out what your genes have to say about your nutritional requirements. These tests are offered by several companies. They usually involve sending a sample of saliva from home to their lab. Your genetic data can then be analysed in the context nutrigenomics.

Remember that nutrigenomics is only one part of the puzzle. When making dietary choices, it's important to take into account your overall health, your lifestyle and your dietary habits. Consult a health care provider or certified nutritionist prior to making any significant changes in your diet.

What can Nutrigenomics tell us?

Other Tips

Nutrigenomics is a powerful tool that can give you unique insight into your body's reactions to various foods. However, this only represents one aspect of the equation. Maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in physical activity is equally as important. Your healthcare provider can also monitor your health and make adjustments to your diet plan if necessary.


Nutrigenomics is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insight into your risk of developing certain diseases related to food. Understanding your genetic make-up will help you to better understand your own genetic profile and tailor your diet accordingly. This field, while still in its early stages of development, holds great potential for personalizing nutrition and preventing healthcare.
