What is the role of nutrigenomics in determining a personalized hydration strategy?

This article explores the world of nutritionomics, and how this informs personal hydration strategy. Dieticians and nutritionists often ask me about how to stay well hydrated. The answer, however, isn't one size fits all. The study of nutrigenomics can be used to create a personalized plan for optimal health. This includes hydration. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of this new approach to hydration, as well as how to start, some practical tips, and other useful information.

Importance of Personalized Water Strategies

The amount of water and the type can differ from one person to another. Nutrigenomics can help. Understanding the interactions between genes and nutrition can help us develop personalized hydration programs that will improve our health.

Certain genetic differences can influence how the body processes and retains fluids. Some people, for example, may require more electrolytes due to their genetic differences. Adopting a customized hydration plan based on your genetics can have many benefits, including improved athletic performance, cognitive improvement, and prevention dehydration related health problems.

Get Started With Personalized Hydration Strategies

You'll first need to know your genetic make-up in order to create an individualized hydration program. A simple DNA test can give you valuable insight into your body's ability to process nutrients and retain water. A professional nutritionist or dietician can use this information to develop an individualized hydration program.

While genetics are a major factor in determining hydration requirements, there are other factors that can influence the hydration state, such as environment, diet and physical activity. For optimal hydration, it is important to take into consideration all of these factors.

Examples of Nutrigenomics-Informed Hydration Strategies

Read on for more tips about individualized hydration strategies

In addition to a nutrition-based strategy, you should pay close attention to the signs of dehydration in your body, such as thirst, fatigue and reduced urine output. Urine color is another quick way to determine hydration. In general, a very pale yellow or clear color indicates that you are hydrated.

While genetics may influence our hydration strategy, we should also consider lifestyle and environment factors. Maintaining optimal hydration requires that you constantly reassess your hydration strategy and make necessary adjustments in response to changes in climate, physical activity and diet.


Nutrigenomics is a new way to personalize hydration, and allows us to customize our fluid intake according our genetic make-up. This approach will help us to ensure our bodies receive the proper hydration, improving health and wellbeing. Genetics are only one part of the equation. Maintaining optimal hydration requires a comprehensive plan which takes into account diet, exercise, and the environment.
