What can I expect from nutrigenomics when selecting supplements?

This article explores how Nutrigenomics, the science that explains how diet affects gene expression and risk of disease, can help guide the choice of nutrition supplements for each individual based on their unique DNA. This article will explain why nutrigenomics is important, provide tips on how to start and give examples of the way nutrigenomics could personalize your supplements. This article will provide valuable information for anyone interested in personalized nutrition.

Nutrigenomics is important for supplement selection

The field of customized nutrition is a promising one. Nutrigenomics recognizes that each person's genetic makeup determines how their body will respond to different foods. This information can be tailored to dietary advice or the choice of supplements. According to a study in the journal Genes & Nutrition, personalizing nutritional advice based upon genetics could lead to greater changes in eating behaviors. Personalization is important for supplementation as well. What may work for someone else could have negative or insignificant effects on another person due to genetic differences.

Nutrigenomics: Getting started

Understanding your genetic profile is the first step to implementing nutrigenomics. Services like 23andMe provide insight into your genetic profile. Consult a dietician or healthcare professional with expertise in nutritionomics once you've obtained your genetic information. The dietician or healthcare provider can interpret the results for you and help guide your selection of supplements based on genetic requirements.

Examples of Nutrigenomic-Informed Supplement Selection

Other Tips

While nutrigenomics can provide valuable information, it is only one part of the puzzle. Exercise, stress management and sleep are also important lifestyle factors that affect overall health. Consider these factors along with your customized supplement plan. Consult your healthcare provider prior to starting a new supplement regime.


The exciting world of nutrigenomics is a new way to select supplements and nutrition that are tailored for you. Understanding our genetic make-up allows us to tailor the supplements we take in order to meet the specific needs of our body. It's not a miracle cure, but it can be a powerful tool to achieve optimal health.
