Does Nutrigenomics offer dietary advice to optimize antioxidant intake?

We are pleased to introduce our article on nutrigenomics, and how it can be used as a tool for dietary recommendations that optimize antioxidant intake. This article aims to give readers a deeper understanding of the topic, explore its potential and importance, provide practical steps for getting started and offer a list with additional tips.

Nutrigenomics is important for optimizing antioxidant intake

The field of health and nutrition is a promising one for Nutrigenomics. This study examines how food affects our genes, and how genetic variations can influence the response to nutrients we consume. Optimizing antioxidant intake is one such area.

The antioxidants protect the body against damage caused by free radicals. These unstable molecules can damage cells and cause chronic illnesses like cancer or heart disease. Optimizing your antioxidant intake could reduce these risks.

A 2019 study , published in the journal Genes & Nutrition suggests that personalized nutrition based upon genetic information can optimize antioxidant intake tailored for individual needs. While the benefits of personalized nutrition are substantial, more research is required to understand its implications and side effects.

Nutrigenomics: How to Get Started

It's best to start your journey in nutrigenomics by consulting a health professional or registered dietitian that specializes on this topic. You can get help with the genetic test, interpretation of the results and personalized diet recommendations.

According to a 2018 study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition", nutrigenomic tests and personalized diet advice may lead to better eating habits. It's also important to remember that this method should only be part of an overall health plan, and not stand alone.

Example of Nutrigenomics for Optimizing Antioxidant Consumption
