What role does nutrigenomics play in determining the best fats for a person's diet?

This article explores the field of nutrigenomics, its implications for personalized nutrition and focuses on dietary oils. In my role as a nutritionist and dietician, I'm often asked what the genetic influences are on our eating habits and preferences. The scientific field of Nutrigenomics investigates how the human genome affects nutrition, health and diet. The goal is to bring a genetic perspective to nutrition science, which will lead to the creation of personalized diets based on DNA. Understanding how genes react to certain foods will help us design a diet tailored for our genetic make-up.

Nutrigenomics and Personalized Dietary Fatty Acids

In addition to managing obesity and diabetes, unhealthy fat consumption has been associated with cardiovascular diseases. We can use nutrigenomics to understand how some people respond to food differently than others. A study in PLOS genetics, for example, revealed that individuals with a variant of the APOA2 genes were at a greater risk of being obese if they ate high quantities of saturated fats. It is important to understand one's genetic disposition towards certain types of dietary fats.

Nutrigenomics: Getting started

Genetic testing is the first step in embracing nutrigenomics. Many companies offer genetic tests that can be done at home. These kits provide insight into the genetic disposition towards specific foods, nutrients and fats. These tests are then interpreted either by a healthcare provider or certified nutritionist. You can be guided to make appropriate dietary changes, while taking your genetic profile into account. It's also important to keep in mind that, while genetics are extremely important, lifestyle, age and general health can all have an impact on your nutritional requirements.

Nutrigenomics-based personalized diets – Examples

More Tips and Suggestions

While nutrigenomics provides useful insights, it is not the only factor that determines your nutritional needs. Maintaining a healthy diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits, proteins and whole grains, while also being balanced, is important. Exercise and stress-management techniques can also be important for overall health. Before making major changes in your diet, you should consult a healthcare provider or certified nutrition counselor.


Nutrigenomics is a powerful tool for determining personalized diet fats. It provides insights on how genes and fat types interact. It offers many promising possibilities for managing disease and optimizing your health. However, you must remember to take a holistic approach that takes into account all of the aspects of your lifestyle and health.
